School Loyalty Scheme

Celebrate’s School Loyalty Scheme
The scheme works like this:
1. Sign up your school – you have already done this!
2. Celebrate will add your school to our points system.
3. You encourage all your parents and teachers to nominate your school every time they make a purchase at Celebrate (order by calling us on 01628 477696 or on our website – For every transaction your school will receive one point.
4. If you put information in your newsletter about how parents can nominate you at Celebrate and send us a copy we will add 5 extra points to your account every time! *That is like 5 extra people nominating you!!* (NOTE – this is not an offer for just at the beginning of joining but every time you put it in your school newsletter)
5. If the school buys from us direct this will automatically count as nominating your school and this will also count towards your points.
6. Check back when you are having an event to see how many points you can use against decor. Each point is worth £1 towards your balloon decor!
7. Contact us if you need any more information or resources to make it easy to spread the word!
Happy fundraising – The Team at Celebrate.